• If you are in a ‘low, dark and damp place’ with your website, then Pootlepress can help!

    It’s always great to get positive feedback from attendees of our ‘Learn WordPress in 1 day‘ training course and I just love the email I received last week from DR. Ramesh Mehay after attending our Manchester training course.  It is a common sentiment from many of our attendees that WordPress is super easy to build…

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  • Learn WordPress online with the Pootlepress Academy

    I am busy putting the final touches to our first WordPress e-learning  video. This will be available pre-Christmas and is based on my ‘learn WordPress in 1 day‘ training course. I have trained over 300 people on WordPress in 2011 and have designed this course so that you don’t need any technical knowledge to be…

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    Learn WordPress online with the Pootlepress Academy
  • WordPress training tip: How to open WordPress menu items in a new window or tab

    Here’s a short video that shows you how to control the behaviour of your WordPress menu items. (tip: when viewing the Video below in full screen, make sure that HD is turned on)

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  • A couple of pics from our latest WordPress training day in Edinburgh

    Today I had a great day when I ran a ‘Learn WordPress in 1 day’ training course in Edinburgh and here are a couple of pictures from the day.

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  • Some pics from our latest WordPress training course in London

    Here are some pictures from the WordPress training course we held in Farringdon, London yesterday. It was a great day with a very bright group! Our ‘learn WordPress in 1 day’ courses are now all sold out this year, but we running courses in London, Manchester, Cheltenham and Edinburgh in January. Details are here ‘Learn…

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  • A little bit of shameless marketing

    Politicians always get into trouble when they use their families to make them look more human. But what the heck, here goes. Say hello to the mini Marsland’s modelling our super new PootlePress t-shirts! (read more)

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    A little bit of shameless marketing
  • Meet Jo Bostock our latest WordPress Xpress customer

    I spent a great day yesterday with Jo Bostock of Pause Consulting. Pause is a coaching & consultancy practice which specialises in individual, team and organisational development. For more information on WordPress Xpress visit our WordPress Xpress page. Here are some screen shots of the soon to be live new Pause website. Front page Clents…

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  • Cheltenham WordPress training survey results

    Here are the latest attendee survey results from our WordPress group training course held on the 12th September in Cheltenham. I’m very pleased with the feedback. For more information, and booking details visit our WordPress training page. Highlights 100% rated the course ‘content’ good or very good 100% rated the course ‘presentation slides’ good or…

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  • Manchester WordPress training course announced!

    I’ve just confirmed a date for our first WordPress training course in Manchester. The course will run on the 14th October and will be held at the Rain Bar in central Manchester. It’s a great location and details and booking information can be found on our WordPress training page. A few pictures of our new…

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  • Meet Amanda Stearn, our latest WordPress Xpress customer

    I’ve just finished a great WordPress Xpress day with Amanda Stearn – and here she is talking about what we did. And here is a snapshot of what Amanda’s new website (soon to launch) will look like. If you would like more details take a look at our WordPress Xpress page.   [hr]

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  • Pootlepress ‘Learn WordPress in a day’ survey results

    Here are our latest customer survey results from our ‘learn WordPress in a day’ training course run on the 15th August in Cheltenham. Highlights 100% rated the content of the WordPress training Good or Very Good 100% rated the presentation slides of the WordPress training Good or Very Good 100% rated the demo examples of…

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  • A new community Buddypress project goes live!

    We have just gone live with this WordPress and Buddypress website. BigSmallWorld.co.uk BigSmallWorld is local community website for residents of Wandsworth. Features: WordPress and Buddypress, Groups, Activity streams, Member profiles, Forums, Google analytics.

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  • New WordPress training dates for London, Edinburgh and Cheltenham

    I have just confirmed new August and September dates for our next WordPress training courses. Dates are listed below. If you would like to book a place please visit our Learn WordPress in a day training page.

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  • Meet Rebecca, our latest WordPress Xpress customer

    Rebecca Dakin (below) talks about our WordPress Xpress training course.

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  • How Gerry from i-netco came on our WordPress training course and now is producing great websites like this!

    Gerry King runs a great website services company in Newcastle called http://www.i-netco.co.uk/. Earlier this year Gerry travelled from Newcastle to Cheltenham to attend our “Learn WordPress in 1 day” training course because he wanted to start producing WordPress websites for his clients. Last week Gerry’s first WordPress website went live at http://ryhopeinfantschool.org.uk/. Pootlepress  helped mentor…

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  • A sneak peak at our latest WordPress project… going live soon

    Here is a sneak peak at our latest WordPress project. This project uses Buddypress. Buddypress is a powerful plugin for WordPress that [highlight]turns your WordPress website into your very own social network[/highlight], with member profiles, groups, internal messaging and forums. Here is a screenshot of the homepage. [hr] Bigsmallworld.co.uk Bigsmallworld is a project with Wandsworth…

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  • Learn WordPress in a day attendee survey results: April 2011

    Here are our latest Learn WordPress in a day attendee survey results. We’re really pleased that our WordPress courses continue to get such great feedback. “Learn WordPress in a day” attendee survey results 100% scored the content of the course Very Good 100% scored the presentation slides Good or Very Good 100% scored the use…

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  • Extra London WordPress training date added – May 16th, 2011

    Due to demand I’ve added an additional London WordPress training date on May 16th, 2011. Course details and booking information can be found by going to our WordPress training page. Venue information can be found here.

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  • Edinburgh WordPress training course 13th June, 2011

    I’ve just finalised our first Scottish WordPress training course date. It will be on Monday 13th June, 2011. Course details can be found here. The course is being held at Edinburgh Capital Hotel 187 Clermiston Road, Edinburgh EH12 6UG To book a place please visit our WordPress training page.

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  • Scotland WordPress training

    We are now running WordPress training courses in Edinburgh. Below is a list of our upcoming course dates. If you would like to book a place you can do so from our WordPress training page.    

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