In September 2014 mobile traffic to retail websites overtook desktop traffic for the first time ever, rising to 52 per cent of all traffic. Source. We released Mobile Menu Manager last year because we know a lot of you are focussed on your mobile responsive sites. We’ve listened to some of the features you wanted…
If you cycle then you probably know the website Strava. It’s a really clean and beautifully designed website. I thought it would be fun to show you how easy it is to create a site like Strava just using the Canvas theme from WooThemes and a few PootlePress Canvas Extensions. In the following videos I show…
PootlePress has brought together 50 beautiful Canvas websites. We’d like to thank our customers for submitting 95 websites to be considered for inclusion in this ebook. It was a really difficult task narrowing these down to just 50 as all the sites were of a very high standard. We hope you find inspiration for your…
We’re publishing a free ebook called ‘The 50 most beautiful WooThemes Canvas websites’. We’d love you to submit your site, or a site you’ve built with Canvas. We want this to be a useful resource and inspiration for the community of Canvas users, so please don’t be shy. [box type=”alert”]Submissions are now closed as the ebook has been…
Storefront is the bright shiny new Theme from WooThemes aimed at WooCommerce users. It’s free and has already been downloaded almost 10,000 times in just 1 week so it’s going to be big. Here’s a WooThemes Storefront tutorial and video walkthrough we put together showing you how to get your site up and running with WooThemes…
This morning we have released a significant update to Page Customizer for WooThemes Canvas. As well as some tweaks and bug fixes we have also introduced the following new features: 1. Hide header in mobile view Sometimes in mobile view you want to get straight to the point. This enhancement takes out the header in…
It’s no secret that Canvas Page Builder is our most popular Canvas Extension. We have been working on a few enhancements based on our continued use of it for customers of our WordPress Xpress days and, more importantly, your feedback. We’re hoping to launch it next week and so here are a few ‘sneaky peek’…
This was SOOO frustrating! I couldn’t find the documentation for this anywhere. I finally figured it out and so I wanted to share it with you. This is if you want to replace the Add to cart button on the WooCommerce product archive page (shop page) with a normal button that links to the single…
You may know that in England we drink a LOT of tea. These menus were all created in one afternoon with our newest plugin Menu Customizer for WooThemes Canvas. The main thing I needed (other than Menu Customizer) was a tea break between each one to keep me going. So here they are… 5 menus…
Menu Customizer has just got a major update! Check out Menu Customizer 2 for Canvas. We’ve been hard at work over the summer, both taking holidays with the family (sometimes hard work!) and developing new functionality for Canvas. In the coming months we have major upgrades for Page Customizer and Mobile Menu Manager, but today…
We’ve been blown away by the incredible sites you have been building with Canvas Page Builder and Page Customizer. What’s been really exciting to see is the level of creativity that the combination of Canvas and these two plugins has unleashed. We’ve been getting some common questions over the past couple of weeks, so I…
Top Nav Manager and Font Awesome Menus have now been included as features inside Menu Customizer! Therefore it is no longer for sale. Check out Menu Customizer for Canvas. Lately we’ve been working really hard to make all our Canvas Extensions play nicely together. What’s been really cool, is thinking around what can be done…
We have been hard at work developing our new extension Page Customizer which gives you the ability to have page level control in Canvas. Options include full width pages, background images, background colors, hiding elements and mobile options too. Not only this but you can also set these options site-wide and then turn them off…
I received an email this morning asking if it was possible to create a customisable WooCommerce landing page with our new Canvas Page Builder plugin and our upcoming Page Customizer plugin. The answer is yes – and here’s a little video (no sound) that shows you how easy this is 🙂 If you have any…
Jeff over at WPTavern has just published this post “WordPress Visual Page and Website Builders Make It Easy To Create Ugly Sites“. It’s a really interesting point Jeff makes. The same argument was made when desktop publishing arrived in full force in the 1980’s. Back then typesetters argued that the flexibility and power of desktop…
Please note: this plugin is no longer for sale. Our new Canvas Extension, horizontal sub-menu allows you to change the default vertical drop-down menu to a much cleaner horizontal sub-menu. This is something that, until now, would have taken a considerable amount of time and CSS skill to achieve. It’s now 5 minutes work! As…
We’ve received lots of feedback that you would like greater control over your Canvas pages. So very soon we’ll be releasing the Page Customizer extension for WooThemes Canvas. Below are a couple of videos that walk you through some of the major features. Note: we’re also adding some cool mobile features that have been developed…
You may have already heard that we’re crazy excited about our new Canvas Page Builder extension. We think it’s truly ace. Spectacular. And dare we say it, awesome. Amongst our excitement, we managed to get a hold of ourselves long enough to think that maybe we’d better get someone else to road test it a…
Sticky Header is one of the most popular Canvas Extensions but it was also one of the first we developed. We’ve learn’t and lot since then, so when we realised that Sticky Header was causing more support requests than all the other Canvas Extensions put together, we decided to kill it and completely re-developed it…
Rows. It’s all about the rows. As soon as we launched Canvas Page Builder, many of you told us that you’d love to be able to add background colours and background images to rows and have them go full width so you can create stunning long scolling full width sites with sections. We agreed (&…
Creating and arranging a grid of posts that are organised into sections by their categories used to be difficult. It’s now super easy! The following tutorial will show you how easy this is now with the WooThemes Canvas Page Builder.
We’ve been working hard at PootlePress on a major release for WooThemes Canvas users. Canvas Page Builder is a fork of a popular Page Builder by SiteOrigin. We’ve worked really hard to make this work beautifully for Canvas. Canvas Page Builder works with widgets. We’ve created a few new widgets that make page building super-fast…
You can buy Masonry Blog now for $19 from the PootlePress store When we started Canvas Extensions, one of the first ones we wanted to develop was a Masonry extension. It was one of the first ideas on our ideas board – and one of the most popular! It works with the Magazine Template in…
Today we built a WooCommerce website where we needed to have the option of visual Swatches instead of the standard variable products drop down. Luckily the Variation Swatches and Photos WooCommerce Extension allows you to add lovely looking swatches ‘out of the box’. In the following 3 video tutorials I show you how to implement swatches on your…
Most of the posts we get around themes in our PootlePress Academy support forums can be solved by tweaking CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and it defines how all the elements on your website are displayed. CSS is easy, but it is code and can therefore be a bit scary. That’s why we…
[box type=”info”]Please note: Featured Video for Slider for WooThemes Canvas is no longer for sale.[/box] Have you seen the latest trend for homepage videos that auto-play in a full width slider? If not, check out Zendesk and PayPal (which do at the time of writing). We think this is a seriously nice effect and we…
One of the limitations in Canvas is that you can only set one header background image for the whole site. This severely limits the design, look and feel of Canvas sites. In this free 7-step video tutorial we show how to create a contextual header, where the header background images are inspired by individual page content – producing a…
Here’s 100 WooCommerce tips and tricks. Please note: we are still working on this post and have tested about 75% of the tips below. We will continue to improve this resource over the coming days and weeks WooCommerce is fast becoming the most popular e-commerce software on the web. We’ve started getting into it in…
Font Awesome Menus has now been included as a feature inside Menu Customizer! Therefore it is no longer for sale. Being a small company run by a couple of British guys, we often debate the overuse of the word ‘awesome’. To us it sounds very American (nothing wrong with that) and it seems as though…
Purchase Mobile Menu Manager now from the PootlePress store and get the settings for these 5 beautifully simple menus included More and more of your traffic is coming from mobile devices. So why leave your mobile menu the way it comes with Canvas – plain and boring? The reason most people leave it this way,…