Category: WordPress
10 Ipad Apps to help with your WordPress website
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” float=”left” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] [pinterest count=”horizontal” float=”left”][google_plusone size=”standard” float=”left” annotation=”none” language=”English (UK)”][divider_flat]A good friend of mine – who shall remain nameless – explained to me 2 weeks ago that Ipad’s are only good for browsing the Internet and watching films. I couldn’t disagree more with his view. I believe…
Customer showcase: Graham from Northedge Design came on our WordPress training course and now he’s producing beautiful websites like this
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” float=”left” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] [pinterest count=”horizontal” float=”left”][google_plusone size=”standard” float=”left” annotation=”none” language=”English (UK)”][divider_flat] The Bard in the Botanics website was built by Graham Ramage of Northedge Design for one of his clients Bard in the Botanics – Scotland’s biggest & best-loved festival of Shakespeare. Graham attended our Learn WordPress in a…
The statistics that prove you are wasting your time on Social Media (probably)
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” float=”left” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] [google_plusone size=”standard” annotation=”none” language=”English (UK)”] [divider] If you are running a business how much time should you be spending on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest? More importantly, is your time spent on these social networks doing you any good? Are they bringing you new customers?…
Pootlepress Academy welcomes it’s 100th member!
We launched the Pootlepress Academy a couple of months ago and I’m thrilled to announce that the 100th member has just joined.
How to create a WordPress Child Theme with 1 click
WordPress Child Themes are very useful because they enable you to modify the appearance of your original or Parent theme, without fear of breaking it. WordPress Child themes inherit all the styles and functionality from the Parent theme and allow you to place all your CSS changes is a separate place to the Parent theme’s…
How to exclude an image from an image gallery in WordPress
The in-built image gallery function in WordPress is very useful, in that you can create great looking image gallleries with a few clicks. Here’s an example below of a WordPress gallery. An example WordPress Gallery However, by default WordPress will include every image you include in a post or page to your image gallery. This…
Video: The easiest way to add a photo to a WordPress widget
How to add photos to WordPress widgets is a question I’ve been asked many times in our WordPress training courses, so I made a short a video to explain to best way to do it! [twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”]
30 simple (but useful) WooThemes Canvas CSS tweaks
You can do so many cool things with Canvas without having to dive into any code. However, there are times when you’ll want to tweak Canvas and with that in mind, I’ve put together the following list of 30 useful CSS tweaks.
3 great looking WordPress Xpress websites
We’ve been really busy in the last few weeks and below are some of our latest WordPress Xpress websites.
SEO and WordPress tutorial now available on the Pootlepress Academy
Today we release our latest Pootlepress Academy tutorial ‘SEO and WordPress’. This tutorial teaches you how to optimise your WordPress website so that you get the best possible results in Google.
How to get BBPress forums working with Woothemes Canvas
Unfortunately a recent update of Woothemes Canvas caused a problem with BBPress. Namely BBPress no longer displays properly and is broken. However there is a simple fix and below I detail how to get both Canvas and BBPress working nicely together.
Welcome to the new Academy ‘tips and tricks’ section
This is a new section for Pootlepress Academy members. We’ll use it to update you with smaller tutorials and WordPress tips, tricks and news. If there are any specific tips and tricks you would like us to cover – or that you have discovered yourself – please get in touch and let us know by…
Learn how to build a Business Directory with WordPress
Our latest Pootlepress Academy tutorial teaches you ‘step by step’ how to build a great looking Business Directory. It uses the brilliant Listings theme from Woothemes. The Listings theme is our favorite way to build a Business Directory with WordPress.
Celebrating 50 Pootlepress Academy members with a brand new Woothemes tutorial
Exciting times at Pootlepress HQ. Yesterday our 50th member joined the Pootlepress Academy and today we release our latest tutorial based on the brilliant Whitelight theme from Woothemes. The Woothemes Whitelight theme tutorial includes everything you need to know to build a great looking site for your business or organisation.
Woothemes Whitelight tutorial to be released on the 28th March
We are busy putting the finishing touches to our latest WordPress e-learning tutorial. This will be based on the brilliant Whitelight theme from Woothemes and will be available from March 28th for all Pootlepress Academy members. Whitelight is one of our favourite WordPress themes and includes a fully responsive design, featured slider, custom homepage, optional…
Some pics from our latest WordPress training course in Cheltenham
Here are some pictures from our latest WordPress training course that we held in Cheltenham yesterday. We had a great day, with a great group.
2 example WordPress video tutorials from the Pootlepress Academy
Feedback to the Pootlepress Academy has been very very positive so I thought I would share a few example tutorials 🙂
11 lovely new WordPress training customer testimonials
We work really hard to make sure our course attendees get the most out of our WordPress training courses and here are some testimonials from courses that we have run in the last couple of months.
Woothemes Canvas Masterclass tutorial now available on the Pootlepress Academy
We are thrilled to announce that our latest WordPress video tutorial is now available on the Pootlepress Academy. The Woothemes Canvas Masterclass will teach you how to build a brilliant website using the Canvas theme framework.
Learn how to build your own Online Shop with WordPress
We have just released our latest course on the Pootlepress Academy. This course teaches you step by step how to build your very own online shop with WordPress. To see a live example of what you can build with just a couple of hours training take a look at This tutorial uses WooCommerce, the…