How to build an Intranet with WordPress (using these 10 plugins and themes)

WordPress has some great plugins and themes that can help you build an Intranet. Below I have listed 10 WordPress plugins and themes that you should consider. I’ll be showing you ‘step by step’ how to build an Intranet with WordPress in the next month on the Pootlepress Academy.

#1 WordPress Multi-site

How to give each of your teams their own collaboration space

I recommend you use WordPress Multi-site to build your Intranet. WordPress multi-site will enable you to create separate zones for each of your departments, countries, teams etc.

Each zone (or WordPress website) can have a different design or can be incorporated into your overall corporate brand. WordPress multi-site websites can either run as a sub-directory e.g or as a sub-domain e.g

#2 Wishlist member

How to restrict access to your employees

To restrict access to your Intranet you have 2 options.

You could use a membership plugin like wishlist member to tightly control who has access.

Or you could install WordPress on an internal server and give your WordPress install an internal IP address so it couldn’t be viewed outside of your corporate network. This will require help from you network administrator or IT department.

#3 The P2 Theme

How to improve engagement and communication

I love the P2 theme. It will create your very own micro-blogging website and really improve communication in your organisation. It allows employees to easily share information. It’s a bit like twitter for business. Check out this demo to see it in action. P2 + WordPress multisite is a great combination as it will let you give each department or team their own space to collaborate and share information.

[box type=”tick”]Update: WooThemes have released a really cool ‘child theme’ for P2 called Houston. Take a look at the short video demo below to see P2 and Houston in action.[/box]

#4 Buddypress

How to improve collaboration

If you want to super-charge the social aspect of your Intranet then take a look at Buddypress. Buddypress is a bit like Facebook but unlike Facebook you have ultimate control on how it is set up and managed. It has groups, members, forums, internal messaging, activity streams and simple document management (through plugins).

#5 Gravity Forms

How to create online forms

If you want to move away from paper forms on your Intranet then take a look at Gravity Forms. It will let you create forms and make them available on your Intranet. It’s very simple to use and any non-technical person can administer it.

#6 CollabPress

How to add project management

If you want to add simple project management to your WordPress Intranet then take a look at CollabPress. This now supports Buddypress and adds project and task management functionality to WordPress.

#7 Events Manager Pro

How to add events

If you need to add events management to your Intranet then check out Events Manager Pro.

#8 Booking Calendar

How to book meeting rooms

To add the ability to book meeting rooms to your Intranet take a look at the Pro version of Booking Calendar.

#9 BBPress

How to add a forum to your Intranet

Forums are still one of the best ways to share of knowledge and  information. BBPress is very simple to install and you can set up your own forums in 1o mins.

#10 VaultPress

How to make sure everything is backed up

It’s absolutely vital that all the data on your Intranet is fully backed up. Vaultpress is run by Automatic (the company behind WordPress) and will back up all your content to the cloud. They will also help to restore your content should anything go wrong on your servers.


13 responses to “How to build an Intranet with WordPress (using these 10 plugins and themes)”

  1. These are some great plugins to use for an intranet. As a developer, the only thing I have found is that often loading a half dozen or more 3rd party plugins can lead to conflicts between them, and errors in the event of upgrades. I’ve developed a simple all in one WordPress plugin for intranets. Do check it out here;

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      This Chris, we’ll go and take a look 🙂

  2. Hi there, great assets right there.

    Can you please fix the booking calendar link? I’ve been looking like crazy for a meeting room booking plugin. Do you know if its compatible with Buddypress?

    Thanks in advance,

    ps. great site!

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Thanks Victor,

      Link fixed 🙂

      Yes it should work with Buddypress,


  3. Great advice, Jamie. One of the key things my company’s intranet must do is host documents. Other than uploading them as media and “hard coding” links to them on pages, do you know of any better techniques or plugins to help with this?


    — Joe

  4. Edwin Avatar

    Hi Jamie, awesome article. Do you have a step by step guide that help me to build an intranet? Hope you can help me. Thanks

  5. Edwin Avatar

    Hi Jamie, awesome article. Do you have a step by step guide that help me to build an intranet? Please help me with that. I will thank you so much.

  6. Jamie Barton Avatar
    Jamie Barton

    Hi Jamie,

    Good guide, but happens if you have already built your own wordpress for intranet usage only but cant change the URL? :P, any ideas or even a guide like Edwin has requested would be greatly appreciated as I can try and reverse engineer mine.


  7. This article is absolutely great. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much for talking the to put this information together and put it on the web!

  8. To support conent publishers and administrators the following plugins are useful:
    Enable Media Replace: to overwrite documents and images and not clog up your server
    Relevanssi: an improved search engine
    Gravity Forms Polls: to create online polls for staff
    Search Auto Complete: for predictive search box
    Regenerate Thumbnails: to change the size of your existing images

  9. Sarah Spence Avatar
    Sarah Spence

    Hi Jamie

    Our organisation is considering moving to an open source CMS for our intranet. We have active directory, do you know if WordPress has a employee directory plugin that can pull in an employee’s details from the active directory?

    Searching on wordpress, there only seems to be one which they say hasn’t been updated for over 2 years and may no longer be supported. It’s also got low ratings.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I’m quite new to this!

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Sarah,

      This looks like it should work 🙂


  10. […] on HTML/CSS and JS, so i went over the following article about using WordPress as an intranet: How easy and feasible would that be? Is WP a right […]