50 ideas to make WordPress fun again!

At WordCamp EU, @photomatt challenged us to bring the fun back to WordPress! πŸ”₯

In response, I’m working on a blog post titled ’50 Ideas to Make WordPress Fun Again!’β€”but I only have 25 so far and need 25 more! πŸ™

What FUN ideas do you have? Here are my first 25 πŸ‘‡

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– Build a delightful and fun onboarding experience for every new install

Add responsive controls… because not having responsive controls is anti-fun πŸ˜‰ see my proposal here https://youtu.be/5WR5aFp0i5g?si=hW-niGukoCkXzE1h ..hat tip to @mikemcalister

– Launch a highly opinionated fun default theme

– Show a personal, fun and quirky video message from Matt when you first install WordPress

– Make the Navigation Block fun to use (pleeeassse!)

– Give every WordPress site in the world access to a free Cloud Block Pattern Library full of pro pattern designs

– Use WordPress Playground to create an elegant and free, no login, writing app like https://hemingwayapp.com/ – lets call it gutenbergwriter.com πŸ˜‰ It will attract a whole new audience into WordPress.

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– Run an annual 24-hour plugin marathon on the .org YouTube where creators demo as many plugins on the repo as they can in the time.

– Use @photomatt contact book to line up a celebrity series called ‘i’ll teach you WordPress in 1 hour’.

– Break the World Record for the number of people trained online in one session.

– Run a Black Friday all day livestream aka shopping channel style

– Run live and interactive training courses for Gutenberg Editor.

– Run a ‘Take over YouTube for a day‘ where we multicast a program of events of all WordPress channels (note: only those that want to take part πŸ˜‰)

– Create fun user-generated videos at WordCamps, where we ask attendees to send in short clips that we piece together to make a fun content

– Run live and interactive ‘Learn WordPress in 1 day beginner courses’

– Run live interactive courses for working with WordPress Block Themes

– Run live a interactive training courses for plugins (e.g Ecommerce and Membership websites)

– Offer sponsorship packages and use the funds for a) commissioning pro content creators to create high quality fun content b) run Ads to grow channel subscriptions.

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– Run an annual World Championship Speed Build Competition that pitches 16 WordPress players against each other, with prizes, pre and post match interviews and audience participation. This could coincide with @photomatt annual State of the Word or a WordCamp. Matt presents the trophy to the champion (the trophy will be big! πŸ˜‰). We publish a wall of fame on WordPress.org that lists all the champions.

– Live Coding Challenges. Organize coding competitions where participants work in teams to solve real-world WordPress problems. This fosters collaboration and allows attendees to learn from each other’s approaches.

Live Figma Challenges. Organise design competitions where players have 1 hour to create a design vs a brief.

Re-imagine WordCamps so they focus on content that’s much better and more valuable to see in person The WordPress speed builds are a good example of what’s possible. Hat tip to @jdevalk and his Shark Tank pitiches, and @learnwith who ran one at Cloudfest.

– Hold a big Annual award ceremony at a WordCamp e.g Best Newcomer, Biggest Drama, Most innovative plugin, Biggest Clickbait YouTube video 😬

Gamify the support forums on https://wordpress.org/support/forums/ – eg add support streaks, leaderboards for most resolved tickets.

Make the forums more fun – add a fun AI helper with a personality for instant support where users can choose the personality of their support agent e.g polite, rude, really rude!

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