Storefront Pro version 3 now available

Today we released Storefront Pro 3. This builds some extra cool features on top of those already released in previous version of Storefront Pro and is designed to work beautifully with WooThemes Storefront 2.

If you would like to see detailed video walkthroughs of what’s possible with Storefront Pro click here to see 101 design customizations for WooThemes Storefront.


storefront pro shop and category hero website

Storefront Pro

Customize the Storefront Theme

And here are the latest additions that we’ve added in Storefront Pro 3.

Storefront Pro 3 highlights

New exciting product layout options

We’ve introduced some lovely new product layout options including, full width product image, gallery products, and my favourite the hero product.

Hero product layout

WooThemes Storefront hero product
WooThemes Storefront hero product

Full width product layout

WooThemes Storefront full width product image
WooThemes Storefront full width product image

Gallery product layout

WooThemes Storefront gallery product layout
WooThemes Storefront gallery product layout


Two new navigation layout options

Left vertical navigation

WooThemes Storefront vertical naviation
WooThemes Storefront vertical naviation


Hamburger menu option

WooThemes Storefront hamburger menu
WooThemes Storefront hamburger menu


More search box options

With Storefront Pro 3 we’ve added the ability to keep the search box that is added by default with WooThemes Storefront. But we’ve also added some extra options for you, to turn it off, to change the size, and add lovely curved borders and also change the background colour and text.

WooThemes Storefront customized search
WooThemes Storefront customized search


Customize the mobile fixed footer

WooThemes have added a really lovely fixed WooCommerce footer in Storefront 2. Storefront Pro adds lots of customization options to turn these on and off and also to change the background colours and icons colours.

WooThemes Storefront fixed footer toogle
WooThemes Storefront fixed footer toogle


7 responses to “Storefront Pro version 3 now available”

  1. Amin Patani Avatar
    Amin Patani

    Is this compatible with WordPress 4.5.2? I am currently running version 2.1.0 of StoreFront Pro. Also, is Pootle Page Builder 2.0.0 compatible with WP 4.5.2?

    It would be good to see compatibility info posted on your site.


    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Amin,

      Yes Storefront Pro 3 is compatible with WordPress 4.5.2 and so is Pootle Pagebuilder 2 🙂

      Kind regards,

  2. Awesome Jamie!

    Love the hamburger menu feature and other improvements!


  3. Jamie Marsland Avatar
    Jamie Marsland

    Thanks Annie 🙂

  4. bikebasics Avatar

    Hi There,

    How do you upgrade from 2 to 3? Thanks.

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland


      If you are not seeing an automatic update option in your wp dashboard then you can download from your my account area on

  5. Hey Guys!

    I am going to have my site ( )
    I intend to optimized my site and incresed the speed of loading page. which plugin do you suggest?
    Thanks in advance

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