Exciting News: Joining Automattic as Head of WordPress (.org) YouTube! 🚀

Head of WordPress YouTube

I have some fantastic personal news to share, and I couldn’t be more delighted! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve joined Automattic as the Head of WordPress (.org) YouTube. 🤩

This is an incredible opportunity, and I’m genuinely excited to take on this new role. It’s a privilege to be able to help share the stories of the WordPress community, showcase the remarkable work you are all doing, and contribute to the ongoing growth and development of the platform.

What This Means for You

If you’re working on something new, exciting, empowering, innovative, inspiring, helpful, groundbreaking, fun, or game-changing in the WordPress ecosystem, I’d love to hear from you!

My aim is to highlight the innovative and impactful projects that are shaping the future of WordPress. Whether you’re a developer, designer, content creator, or business owner, your stories are what make WordPress such a vibrant and dynamic community, and I’m looking forward to sharing them with the world.

What’s Next?

There’s a lot to look forward to, so stay tuned for some exciting content ahead! 🚀

I have big plans for the WordPress YouTube channel and am eager to bring you along on this journey. We’ll be creating detailed and engaging tutorials, showcasing brilliant plugins and themes, interviewing community leaders, running live masterclasses and so much more 😉

My personal YouTube channel will continue as well! I’ve just reached 100k subscribers, and I’m incredibly grateful for all your support. There’s some incredible new content coming soon, including a brand new podcast, more WordPress Speed Builds, and more Meg and Lily videos.

For those who use Pootlepress plugins, they’ll continue to be maintained and supported, ensuring your favourite tools remain available and up-to-date.

Let’s Connect

I’m so excited about this next chapter and can’t wait to work with so many of you in the WordPress community. If you have a story to tell, a project to showcase, or just want to chat about WordPress, feel free to reach out.

Thanks for taking the time to Pootle!


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