Master WordPress Block Themes: 3 Essential Principles for Beginners

Here’s a recording of my talk that I gave at WordCamp Europe.

This is a beginner-friendly session where I dive into the exciting world of WordPress block themes.

I’ll show you how Blocks, Templates, and Styles can transform your website design with their simplicity and flexibility.

You’ll learn how to use Theme Blocks for enhanced customization, explore the differences from classic themes, and master Styles to create a unique and appealing websites.


One response to “Master WordPress Block Themes: 3 Essential Principles for Beginners”

  1. […] Marsland published the recording of his talk at WordCamp Europe on YouTube: Master WordPress Block Themes: 3 Essential Principles for Beginners. He shows you how Blocks, Templates, and Styles can transform your website design with their […]

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