Choosing Between WordPress Custom Post Types and Post Categories: A Beginners Guide

Using WordPress as a content management system (CMS), you often have the choice between using a custom post type (CPT) or simply categorizing your posts. Both methods have their own advantages and use cases. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Use a Custom Post Type (CPT) when:

  1. Different Structure: You need a content type that has a different structure than standard posts. For example, if you’re creating a movie database, you might want fields for director, release date, cast, etc., which are not typical for standard posts.
  2. Distinct Features: You want to add specific features or functionalities to a particular type of content. For instance, a “Products” CPT might have e-commerce functionalities that standard posts don’t need.
  3. Separate Theming: You want a completely different look or layout for a specific content type. CPTs can have their own single and archive templates.
  4. Admin Organization: You want to keep certain content types separate in the WordPress admin for clarity and organization. For example, having a separate “Books” section in the dashboard instead of mixing them with other posts.
  5. Different Permissions: You need to set different user roles or permissions for a specific content type. For instance, only certain users can add/edit “Events” but not standard posts.

Use a Post Category when:

  1. Similar Structure: The content you’re adding is similar in structure to your standard posts. For example, if you’re just differentiating between “News” and “Blog” articles.
  2. Simple Organization: You simply want to organize your posts for readers. Categories are great for this, as they allow readers to filter posts based on their interests.
  3. SEO: Categories can be beneficial for SEO as they group similar content together, making it easier for search engines to understand the context.
  4. Ease of Use: Using categories is straightforward and doesn’t require additional setup or plugins, unlike CPTs.
  5. Tagging and Hierarchies: You want to take advantage of the hierarchical nature of categories or use tags alongside them for further organization.


  • If you’re looking to add a completely new type of content with its own set of features, structure, and design, then a custom post type is the way to go.
  • If you’re merely trying to organize or differentiate your standard posts, then using categories (or even tags) is sufficient.

Remember, it’s essential to plan ahead. Changing your mind later on can be a cumbersome process, especially if your site has grown significantly.


One response to “Choosing Between WordPress Custom Post Types and Post Categories: A Beginners Guide”

  1. Paul Roos Avatar

    I would like to set up an emergency contact list for tourists and locals. I want to make the contact details a post type and each town would have its own website. The post type would have to have up to 15 different fields, of which some are optional.
    The 14 fields for the custom post are:
    (1) The contact institution’s name as the post title. (text)
    (2) A “tag line” describing the type of institution. (text)
    (3) Location: city/town (text)
    (4) Emergency phone 1 (phone number field)
    (5) Emergency phone 2 (optional phone number field, possibly mobile no)
    (6) Day phone, office hours (optional phone number field)
    (7) Street address (optional … eg ambulances have come out to you, sea rescue services have to go out)
    (8) e-Mail
    (9) G.P.S. (optional)
    (10) Google map link (optional)
    (11) Website link
    (12) Note: (optional example shop hours for a pharmacy, visiting hours of a hospital)
    (13) Link to a QR-code image (optional)
    (14) Link to logo image.
    Can I do this with a custom post type? This site will be used for different towns. Therefore the content of the page mentioned below must be a post type. I already have one website, and a page on it can be seen here…

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