Introducing Caxton – our first Gutenberg block based plugin for WordPress

There’s a big change coming to WordPress in 2018 and it’s called the Gutenberg editor. Gutenberg will replace the current WordPress editor and it’s aim is make the editing experience in WordPress much easier.

From the Gutenberg project team 

The editor will endeavour to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery.

Gutenberg is based on creating blocks, and blocks can theoretically be anything e.g posts, sliders, contact forms. Once content is in blocks then it can be easily arranged on the page – this is cool.

There is some uncertainty as to when Gutenberg will be merged into Core WordPress, but my guess is that it will be later this year (2018).

Although Gutenberg will make the editing experience easier, my view is that it won’t ever replace the need for the functionality of a pagebuilder (like pootle pagebuilder). It will likely be a half way house, better than the existing WordPress editor, but not offering the same level of page layout design options that a true pagebuilder can give you.

We’re really really excited about the possibilities that Gutenberg opens up as it will help us make it even easier for Pootlepress customers to create beautiful websites.

Our initial road map is focused to make sure that Pootlepress Plugins and Themes work alongside Gutenberg. The good news is that this is almost completed. In phase two, we’ll be looking at ways that we can deeply integrate the new editor (Gutenberg) into our products. This is where things get really exciting.

So, as part of our learning journey, we’ve built our first Gutenberg based plugin. It’s called Caxton and can be download for free by clicking on the big button at the bottom of this post. Caxton lets you bring a cool looking posts grid into a page, and we’ve added some customisation options to change the layout. Please note this is an early beta, so I wouldn’t recommend you use on a production site. But if you have a development website, its great fun to have a play. Also remember that you’ll need to download the Gutenberg plugin as well.

Introducing Caxton – Posts Grid for the new WordPress Gutenberg editor

If you want to read more about Gutenberg there are a great set of resources over at wptavern and if you have any questions, please post them in the comments below,

Thanks for taking the time to pootle

[su_button url=”” background=”#E25C4E” color=”#ffffff” size=”14″ radius=”5″]Download Caxton[/su_button]



10 responses to “Introducing Caxton – our first Gutenberg block based plugin for WordPress”

  1. The plugin (v 0.1) uses a custom way via wp_localize_script() to show the (all) categories in dropdown, is that because of bug #4623 or do you have other reasons?

  2. This is amazing. Our clients would certainly find these invaluable when Gutenberg ships.

    Great to know you have plans to add more blocks/features/widget or whatever it’s called.

  3. Some say the WordPress update will arrive somewhere in April 2018 or June 2018. Whenever it is, this is actually a great plugin. And to actually plan ahead and make a plugin which can work with Gutenberg editor will be helpful plugin. Thanks for sharing! I too am looking forward to the actual update and not just the developmental stage of Gutenberg. cheers!

  4. I’d like to make an donation to have this beta plugin actually working with the current Gutenberg build. Any chance we can see an swift update?

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Robbert,

      Don’t worry we are on the case – update coming soon 🙂


      ps it’s a little difficult at the moment because gutenberg is changing so often

      1. Robbert Avatar

        That is awesome to hear! Thank you for your feedback. Will (try) to wait patiently ;).

    2. shramee Avatar

      Issue is fixed now… We will be doing a release this week 😉

  5. Jamie Marsland Avatar
    Jamie Marsland

    Hi , we’ve now updated caxton so it works with the latest version of gutenberg 🙂

    Also we’ve added some new blocks
    hero block
    social share icons


  6. Great Plugin. This was exactly what I was looking for in order to build custom category pages. I see a couple minor issues so far. When using post excerpts the “Read More” doesn’t link to the post. It just comes up as plain text. As well as plain text for social sharing icons. i.e. “READ MORE Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window).” Providing a way to remove this text would be beneficial. Also added this to plugin page. Thanks Lee.

  7. Lee King Avatar

    Functionality request. The use of Tags, as well as Categories, would be beneficial.


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