The Pootle Pagebuilder showcase

Pootle Pagebuilder showcase websites

When we develop a new product here in the Pootle Shed, we have a vision of how it’s going to help people achieve the type of website they want.  Knowing that we’re helping our customers to reach their own vision is what drives us.

And so it’s really lovely when we get to see some of the amazing stuff our customers have created with our products.

We’re delighted to share this showcase of Pootle Pagebuilder and Pootle Pagebuilder Pro.  What a clever bunch you are 🙂

Claire Rusten | Syskapet

Skyskapet sell sewing materials for the home sewer.  We love the vintage style images and the use of parallax which has really brought the homepage to life.


Paul Pruneau | Corstone

CorStone develops and provides personal resilience programs to improve well-being for youth worldwide. Their focus is on adolescent girls as critical change-agents in their communities.  We love the great use of rows and columns on the homepage to clearly layout the core information.


Greg Collett | Greg Collett

This is Greg’s personal site that leads to his business site. Being a semi retired web designer, the personal site is becoming more and more fun as the business site (still to be redone) becomes less important.  Canvas and a set of Pootlepress plugins has become the standard for all of Greg’s development of late.


Jennifer Carello | Lawrence Allan Inc

Jennifer built this website for a designer and needed some full width rows and background image which was super easy to do with Pootle Pagebuilder.  The site is built on Woothemes Canvas using revolution slider, Pootle Pagebuilder and styled up with a touch of CSS.



One response to “The Pootle Pagebuilder showcase”

  1. I’d love to do something similar to Greg’s. I purchased Pagebuilder…is there somewhere to learn how to use this? I’m not quite sure what I’m doing as of yet.

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