10 beautiful WooThemes Canvas website designs

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I’ve also added 3 websites – the last 5 on this list – that have been built by Pootlepress using Canvas, because I happen to think they look great!

If you have built or own a site using Canvas and feel it should be included please share your website link to the comments below.


Website #1:www.habitcoffee.com


Website #2: www.amblermw.com


Website #3: www.redhatnoknickers.co.uk


Website #4: www.melinastinson.com


Website #5: www.marcodilauro.com


Website #6: www.grandtrunkgoods.com


Website #7:  www.ngf-hope.org


Website #8: www.masonandlee.com


Website #9: www.princessandthepram.co.uk


Website #10: www.pauseconsultancy.com


Website #11: http://ryelandsheep.info

ryeland sheep woothemes canvas website

Website #12: http://francescahillphotography.com

franhill photographer canvas website


15 responses to “10 beautiful WooThemes Canvas website designs”

  1. Blimey, I didn’t realise how incredibly flexible the theme was. Some great sites there and all very different which I found surprising. It’s so difficult to imagine what can be done with the theme when you first purchase it and are quite literally faced with a totally blank canvas.

  2. Some great designs here, I use Woo Themes and it is amazing to see how much they have grown over the past couple of years, and for great reason too.

    I currently use Whitelight, but am in the process of styling it to fit my needs a bit better!

    Simon Duck

  3. Sharon Havenhand Avatar
    Sharon Havenhand

    Some great choices. Noticeably the sites you’ve chosen have modified the primary navigation – in some cases right aligned, some appear to be in the header and for Grand Trunk Goods they have an indented drop down menu on the first item with reduced text sizing, plus a neat underline on hover for other items. Do you have one of your brill masterclass videos or any instructions / code on how to modify the default primary navigation in Canvas – as its something which is becoming very similar on the sites I’m building and I think a bit clunky (its not always easy to identify the main menu item should be clicked on and not just the drop down elements). I can currently modify from the Canvas Theme Options, but looking beyond this to super pimp it! Thanks

    1. Yes… I would also like to understand better how one achieves this.

      This takes canvas and woothemes to a whole new level!

  4. I’ve just started using Canvas. There’s a fair learning curve but I’m fascinated with what can be done with it. Looking at what other people have done design wise with Canvas is motivational. I like simple and beautiful layouts. It’s good to be able to use Google fonts too. Back to work. :o)

    PS. Should we use WooThemes comment form (built in) or Facebook comments, or both together…?

  5. Yes, i just installed Canvas as well and have no idea where to start…..im looking for inspiration right now. great post, gave me some ideas.

  6. Thank you for featuring sites designed on Canvas. I switched to Canvas a while ago and, while going through a major learning curve, I am inspired to see designs made by other Canvas users.
    Ready to do some major redesigning.

  7. I’ve been using Canvas since over an year and the theme still surprises me with the functionality it offers.
    Hats off to WooThemes for still providing support and updates to Canvas 😀

  8. I have been using Canvas for over two years now and am truly so grateful to Jamie and the PootlePress team for enlightening my working world. I shall most certainly be using Canvas as my Theme choice for my own business website. marvellous stuff!

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Thanks Mark, we really appreciate your support 🙂

  9. Simon Kelly Avatar
    Simon Kelly

    Canvas is great, I like seeing what other designers can create with it. I’d love a site that I design to get on a list like this one day! I put a Canvas child theme together for an Accounting Firm in Melbourne: http://petersongroup.com.au/

    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Simon,

      Love the site 🙂

      Would love to hear how you built it!


  10. Hi there,

    I recently finished this photographer’s site, which I built with the Canvas theme…

    I’d love to know what you think!


    1. Jamie Marsland Avatar
      Jamie Marsland

      Hi Jonathan,

      We really love it 🙂

      Never seen Canvas used like this – really creative!


  11. […] View Canvas Theme Demo | View Websites Using the Canvas WordPress Theme […]