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WordPress Xpress combines fast track WordPress private training and hands on help to build your WordPress website. After the day we provide 1 hours free support and mentoring. It costs £395 +vat and can take place at your offices/home or at our base in Cheltenham – whichever is most convenient for you.
Hugo Mabbott
Pootlepress has provided invaluable help and expertise with building a website with very specific requirements on wordpress – they are able to assist and make easy even the most daunting of tasks and enabled me to be proficient with wordpress in a very short space of time.
I am incredibly grateful for the training and support i have received from Pootlepress and i continue to consult with them about any ongoing issues i have – a fantastic all round service.
Hugo Mabbott
Some pictures of the new C & M website
The C & M website was built using a customised version of the Kin WordPress theme.