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Kashmira Jhaveri
Being a graphic designer, I have the knowledge of design but only a basic knowledge on how to build a website. I have previously tested out various template based web packages and found them too restrictive.
When I heard that WordPress was a great platform in which to build websites, I got hold of some books and tried to teach myself. No success! So when I came across
Pootlepress I thought this is the best way in which to get to grips with teaching myself the workings of WordPress.
It was the best decision I made! In one day, I understood the framework on the workings of WordPress.
Jamie has a logical and systematic approach to teaching and this gave me the confidence to design
and create my website and blog. I now have a fully functioning site which I know I can develop as needs arise.
I would highly recommend Pootlepress – a cost effective way in which to set up your website quickly without
too much heartache!
Kashmira Jhaveri, graphic designer, Ant Design Gifts