Learn WordPress online with the Pootlepress Academy

We are thrilled to announce our first e-learning course ‘WordPress Essentials’ is now available via our shiny new Pootlepress Academy.

The ‘WordPress Essentials‘ course includes a walk-through of common tasks in WordPress, from installing WordPress onto a self-hosted site, to tutorials on creating content (pages, posts, and widgets),  inserting pictures and videos, installing and using plugins, using themes, and incorporating search engine optimization (SEO).

Access to the Academy costs £49.95 per year, and this will give you access to all our tutorials.

We will be releasing new courses every month in 2012 and our 6 month schedule is below. Members will also be able to request specific training courses and we will create the ones with the most demand.

Upcoming WordPress Tutorials

  1. How to build an Online Shop with WordPress
  2. How to build a Business website with WordPress
  3. Woothemes Canvas masterclass
  4. SEO masterclass
  5. How to build a Business Directory with WordPress
  6. How to build a Hyper-Local Community website with WordPress